Lucas - Compatible With Life

Created by Sharon 15 years ago
In memory of our son Lucas Andrew Russell born on Thursday 3rd September 2009 at 12.42 p.m. weighing 5lb 1.5oz and measuring just over 18 inches long with full Trisomy 18. Lucas lived for 6 amazing and precious days, he died on Wednesday 9th September 2009 (his due date) of heart complications. Lucas was handsome with a full head of black hair slightly curly and looked just like his daddy. Lucas had the most beautiful soft skin, tiny nose, gorgeous wee face, long legs, big feet, tiny toes and the most gorgeous clenched hands with the longest fingers we have ever seen. We found out at 28 weeks that Lucas had full T-18 and a termination was offered. Termination was not an option for us - we wanted our son regardless of any condition. Everyday had worry, scans were incredibly tough although you were delighted to see him we were scared of what they may find and every morning wondering if he was still alive is the most difficult life changing thing a person can go through. But we would not have changed a single minute of the journey - the memories we have will last us a lifetime! Meeting Lucas wiped the 11 weeks of worry out in the blink of an eye, seeing that precious boy took our breath away - what a pleasure to meet him. Lucas was diagnosed 2 days after his birth with enlargement of his liver and one of his kidneys, stomach problems, large VSD, abnormal pulmonary and aortic valves, patent duct and a narrow artery exiting from his heart. Despite his complications he looked perfect and continued to do well. Apoena attacks brought on by the congestive heart failure began 2 days before he died. Life was just becoming a struggle and changing his nappy becaming a life or death situation! Lucas took up a 7 hour battle for life with 3 attacks before falling into a deep sleep and peacefully passing to the other side of the rainbow. Lucas touched many lives in his 6 short days and continues to - at his funeral people donated £1200 for the Special Care Unit where he was looked after. This money will be used for a family room and his memory will continue to help people in similiar circumstances. We have also donated on behalf of Lucas $200 to Prenatal Partners for Life to help continue to supply Lambs for Life Blankets to other families receiving a Trisomy diagnosis. We recently donated $250 to this site in memory of Lucas on behalf of The Claymore Hotel in Arrochar raised by naming the teddy. Many thanks to everyone who has given money to honour and remember my wee fighter Lucas Andrew "Rocky" Russell - he will be eternally remembered as "OUR HERO". You can meet Lucas on youtube under Lucas Andrew Russell - please go and see how wonderful my son is - still you Lucas Andrew Russell and always will be. Mummy and Daddy had the priviledge of 6 days with you and will love you the rest of their lives.
